Expository Preaching - What is it?
We take a book of the Bible and go through verse by verse. Starting with a passage of Scripture and then study the grammar, the context, and the historical setting of that passage in order to understand the Word of God and it's intent. In other words, analyze the text carefully and objectively. We are subject to the text, not the other way around. Scripture is the authority, and its message must be presented honestly, apart from personal bias.
What is the best way to get connected during the first visit?
We would love to meet you! Please stop by our Welcome Center before or after service. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
What should I wear?
You will see everything from suits and dresses to T-shirts and jeans. Wear what makes you feel comfortable.
Is children's ministry is available?
Yes! Our Sunday services have age appropriate ministry for birth through 5th grade.
What is available for my children in grades 6th through 12th?
Wednesday night is all about our youth. Each campus has ministry geared just for them. Check out our Kids and Teens information (NextGen) for more details.