Forms & Permission slips

We understand that downloading and filling out forms and permission slips isn't the most enjoyable task, but it's necessary to keep Life Church a safe place for its students, volunteers, and members.

Our goal is to make this process as easy as possible. Simply download the document you need below, fill it out, and either email it or bring it to your campus on Sunday. We will take care of the rest.

Thank you for taking the time to do the necessary paperwork. We are happy to assist with any questions or concerns.

Click on the form below

Ensuring the safety of all members, particularly vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities, is paramount. Life Church does regular background checks of all volunteers. 

The Annual Parental Authorization, Consent, and Release form for Life Church Assembly of God, Inc. grants permission for a child to participate in church activities and events throughout the year.

-This form is filled out annually- 

A permission slip for youth participating in an offsite Life Church activity or event is a document that seeks parental or guardian consent for their child to attend the event.