life groups

Life is better with YOU!

Life Groups have one, simple purpose—to bring people together. We believe God created us to live in community with others and only then can we experience the full life He intends for us. 

Let's get out of rows and into circles for care and discipleship.

Here at Life Church  we believe life change happens in the context of relationships.

Life truly is better with YOU!

Take a look at the Life Group directory and join a group today: 

Life Group Directory

Questions? Contact your campus Life Group Coordinator

We Need you!!

Become a Life Group leader

You don't need to have it all together to lead a Life Group—you just have to be willing to let God use you.

It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God. He has enabled us to be ministers of his new covenant.-2 CORINTHIANS 3:5-6 NLT

How to become a Life Group Leader: 

  1. Become a member of Life Church
  2. Complete Life Group leader training
  3. Complete Life Group registration form
  4. Leader interview with campus LG Coordinator
  5. Start your group

Contact your campus Life Group Coordinator today to get started.

Life Group Leader resources

Leaders, Don't forget to register your group each season.  Click the link below to get your group online.

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  • Eagle Creek Life Group Coordinator

    If you have any questions about Life Groups at the Eagle Creek Campus, please contact our Life Group Director, Yolanda Ursery at

  • Fishers Life Group Coordinator

    If you have any questions about Life Groups at the Fishers Campus, please contact our Life Group Coordinator, Yolanda Ursery at

  • Noblesville Life Group Coordinator

    If you have any questions about Life Groups at the Noblesville Campus, please contact our Life Group Coordinator, Denise Dye at

  • Pendleton Life Group Coordinator

    If you have any questions about Life Groups at the Pendleton Campus, please contact our Life Group Coordinator, Trevor Fannin at